Abstract Ocean color products derived from the Ocean Colour Land Imager (OLCI) aboard the European Space Agency's Sentinel-3 satellite. Products are calculated from Remote Sensing Reflectance (Rrs) and/or top of atmosphere reflectance corrected for Rayleigh scattering and molecular absorption (Rhos). Purpose For use in estimating water quality and detecting algal blooms in the Continental US. Status: As of 4-1-2022 our Sentinel-3A and -3B OLCI processing implemented the latest ESA OLCI vicarious calibration. Products generated prior to processing updated were reprocessed. As part of the reprocessing the filenaming for OLCI products changed (see examples below and more specific details in the Feature Catalog Description section): Old filenames: sentinel-3a.2022095.0405.1527C.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_2_x0-2.rbd_rhos.tif sentinel-3b.2022095.0405.1447C.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_2_x0-2.rbd_rhos.tif sentinel-3ab.2022095.0405.1447_1527C.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_2_x0-2.rbd_rhos.tif New filenames: sentinel-3.2022095.0405.1527C.a.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_3.rbd_rhos.tif sentinel-3.2022095.0405.1447C.b.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_3.rbd_rhos.tif sentinel-3.2022095.0405.1447_1527C.ab.L3.CB3.v951T20227_1_3.rbd_rhos.tif The CInoncyano product has also been renamed CInonfluor. Extents Extent - Geographic West longitude -84.622092 East longitude -79.833644 North latitude 30.665410 South latitude 24.161978 Extent - GeoTiFF coordinate system West coordinate 152738.000000 East coordinate 611738.000000 North coordinate 3393102.000000 South coordinate 2676402.000000 Spatial Representation - Grid Number of Dimensions 2 Axis dimension properties Dimension Dimension name: column Dimension size: 1530 Resolution Distance 300.0 Dimension Dimension name: row Dimension size: 2389 Resolution Distance 300.0 Corner points CornerPoint 152738.000000 3393102.000000 CornerPoint 152738.000000 2676402.000000 CornerPoint 611738.000000 3393102.000000 CornerPoint 611738.000000 2676402.000000 Content Information Feature Catalog Description Files listed in this catalog contain a collection of daily products in GeoTIFF format. Details of each product may be found below. Filenames follow the following naming conventention: .yyyyjjj.mmdd.hhmm...hhmmC..L3..__..tif name of mission yyyy 4-digit year jjj julian day (zero-prefixed) mm month of year (zero-prefixed) dd day of month (zero-prefixed) hh hour (zero-prefixed) mm minute (zero-prefixed) areacode one or more satellite platform identifiers (e.g. a, b, or ab (daily composite)) level 2 source code (v=SAPS,n=NASA,e=ESA) level 2 generating software version SAPS software version product generating script version standard product name Products Product name: CI Version: 1.2 Description: Chlorophyll Cyanobacteria Index with clear water correction and CInoMCI adjacency flagging Scaling: round(83.3 * (log10(ci[ci>0]) + 4.2)) Reverse scaling: 10**(3.0 / 250.0 * DN - 4.2) (for example: DN=100 translates to original value = 0.0010) Type: 1-band data Data key: 0 - no detection 250 - above range 251 - adjacency 252 - land 253 - cloud 254 - mixed or invalid 255 - no data coverage 1 - 249: scaled valid data Product name: CIcyano Version: 1.2 Description: Chlorophyll Cyanobacteria Index - cyano only with clear water correction and CInoMCI adjacency flagging Scaling: round(83.3 * (log10(ci[ci>0]) + 4.2)) Reverse scaling: 10**(3.0 / 250.0 * DN - 4.2) (for example: DN=100 translates to original value = 0.0010) Type: 1-band data Data key: 0 - no detection 250 - above range 251 - adjacency 252 - land 253 - cloud 254 - mixed or invalid 255 - no data coverage 1 - 249: scaled valid data Product name: CInonfluor Version: 1.2 Description: Chlorophyll Cyanobacteria Index - noncyano only with clear water correction and CInoMCI adjacency flagging Scaling: round(83.3 * (log10(ci[ci>0]) + 4.2)) Reverse scaling: 10**(3.0 / 250.0 * DN - 4.2) (for example: DN=100 translates to original value = 0.0010) Type: 1-band data Data key: 0 - no detection 250 - above range 251 - adjacency 252 - land 253 - cloud 254 - mixed or invalid 255 - no data coverage 1 - 249: scaled valid data Product name: truecolor Version: 1.0 Description: RGB true color image Scaling: round(1.0 * * 255 / 0.2) Type: 3-band RGB Product name: chl_gil_rhos Version: 1.1 Description: 2-band gilerson chlorophyll based on rho_s. Offset coefficient changed from 19.30 to 14.30 because south florida does not show anything. Chl will increase by 5 ug/L approx. Also disabled clear water correction. Coastal chlorophyll scaling applied. Scaling: round(275.0 / (1 + 13.46374 / chl[chl>0])) Reverse scaling: 13.46374 / ((275.0 / DN) - 1) (for example: DN=100 translates to original value = 7.6936) Type: 1-band data Data key: 0 - no detection 250 - above range 252 - land 253 - cloud 254 - mixed or invalid 255 - no data coverage 1 - 249: scaled valid data Product name: rbd_rhos Version: x0.1 Description: Rhos red band (681-665) difference Scaling: round(150 * (4 + log10(rbd[rbd > 0]))) Reverse scaling: 10**(DN / 150. - 4) (for example: DN=100 translates to original value = 0.0005) Type: 1-band data Data key: 0 - no detection 250 - above range 252 - land 253 - cloud 254 - mixed or invalid 255 - no data coverage 1 - 249: scaled valid data Product name: truecolor Version: 1.0 Description: RGB true color image Scaling: round(1.0 * * 255 / 0.2) Type: 3-band RGB Reference System Information Spatial reference: PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 17N", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",-81], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AXIS["Easting",EAST], AXIS["Northing",NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","32617"]] Contact Information Name: Richard Stumpf Organization: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Email: Richard.Stumpf@noaa.gov Role: Principal Investigator Name: Michelle Tomlinson Organization: US DOC; NOAA; NOS; National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Email: Michelle.Tomlinson@noaa.gov Role: Collaborator Credit NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science; Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel-3 data from EUMETSAT. Usage Constraints Information Provisional products subject to change. Metadata Information Creation date: 2022-04-13